Monday night. My hubby is flipping channels. Hubby sees an adorable young woman sitting in a car with a young man, top unbuttoned. He says to me, "What time is it?"
I say, "7:25 p.m."
He says, "Hmmmm. Look what's on ABC Family at 7:25 p.m."
I stop what I am doing and watch. "What show is this?" I dig out the newspaper guide and discover ABC Family is showing one of their new shows, "Greek."
I decided to do a little research. I found another concerned mom Amy Jussel, founder of Shaping Youth, who had this to say, "Since when is collegiate binge drinking, racy innuendo, sexcapades and the ‘partay’ scene 'ABC Family' fare, folks? Yeah. ABC Family. You heard right."
And I must confess...Amy's first reaction was also mine.
I kept reading and discovered that ABC Family is targeting 18-34 olds, not children or tweens. ABC Family president said this in 2006, "We're not for families, we're about families. We're not family television as it was in the 1950s. We're television about families that's relevant to today's 18-34 audience."
So the lesson here...having the word "family" in their network name doesn't mean "appropriate for all ages."